
My love of art started as soon as I worked out how to hold a crayon. My first mural followed shortly after this, on my parents' freshly decorated hall wall.
Both my mother and grandfather inspired and taught me through my childhood. I have magical early memories of my Grandpa showing me how to do watercolour washes with his 'proper' paints and best brushes. And my mum always pointing out the beauty in the world around me; the colours, the contrast, light, shade and pattern. This has helped me find inspiration, wherever I am, whether looking at a dramatic sunset or a rusty bit of metal with graffiti scratched on it.
I loved art throughout school and at 10 years old confidently told my teacher I would be going to art school 'when I was grown up'.
“A part of my soul goes into that picture and equally the process of painting feeds
my soul.”
Lynne Gougeon
I did. Bournville Art College for a BTEC Foundation Diploma in Art and Design. Surrounded by inspiration and the smell of chocolate wafting through the air from the Cadbury's factory opposite.
I then went on to do a degree in Visual Communication before getting a job as an Art Director for a great advertising agency in Birmingham and later Leamington Spa. I learnt a lot and had quite a bit of fun along the way!
Throughout this time I continued painting commissions and exhibiting pieces in local galleries, knowing that one day I would get the opportunity to follow my dream of painting for my career. With both my children now at school, that moment has arrived.
When I paint, I feel most myself. A part of my soul goes into that picture and equally the process of painting feeds my soul. It's a happy circle. So here I am, an artist based in Warwickshire. Excited, slightly nervous and full of ideas.
And this is it. This is My Art and Soul.